Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

My name is Colleen and this is my first blog ever! I am like most 22 year old women. I am in college, working as a waitress and intern. My motto is "great things are worth fighting for". I believe everyone and everything has a purpose and to not take life too seriously.

My blog is all about expressing opinions, information, questions that are out of the blue. For me personaly everyday i have random thoughts going on in my head and whenever i mention them to someone I am always left with a weird look or people ask me why do i care? Well i know there are people all over the world who are thinking the same thing so here's our chance to express and discuss what we are thinking.

Out of the blue talks about information in the news, something you have seen on acommercial or a tv show, when you're walking down the street you notice something that caught your eye, new inventions, and many many more out of the blue.

Each week i will post a blog of an out of the blue experience or information that i came across or caught my interest