Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We are in a technology society. everywhere you go there is advanced technology creating new ways to communicate and use search engines to make our lives easier. Internet has become a part of peoples live in which people use the internet ten times a day ( I am going by my usage) We have search engines and social media groups at our fingertips, but is it becoming TMI (too much information)? when you click search on google, yahoo or youtube most of the time there will be over 50,000 views in your criteria, and most of the informations is useless to what you were searching for. when i am searching for something on the internet I always get draged to something else then completly get lost in what i was looking for in the first place. You can easily get distracted or lost from what you wanted in the first place and thats why there is too much information out there. Same goes for social media groups. I see posts from friends on facebook or twitter and its information I dont want to know about at all. I will hear inappropiate things said or people bullying or bashing other people on their statuses or people who use it to get attention. The internet was made for people to connect with the world and most of the information you find on google or yahoo are millions of people research or opinions, same goes as facebook. While i believe there is too much information on the internet, Its a free world and people are entitled to put what ever they want on the internet for others to see. The internet is evolving and getting bigger.

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