Monday, October 25, 2010

The book “On Writing” by Steven King is a good resourceful book that I think everyone should read. I agree with his ideas on writing and believe it can benefit all writers. I wasn’t that surprised when King would say you need to read more to improve your writing. Everyone has different techniques of writing and brings something new on the table. It’s good to look at other people’s writing to inspire your own creative writing. I personally lack in experience with writing and I constantly get writers block when starting a paper for school. King gave good tip on how to start a paper and how to thoroughly critique it and make changes. If you are really interested in writing you should read this book. Take advice from a pro!


  1. I really enjoyed this book myself. It's nice to know that a writer who is so hugely successful is still "down to earth" enough to write a candid book about his craft.

  2. I completely agree! This book is great, especially if you aren't already a writer. King offer's up some really good beginner advice. I myself am not the best writer and still have a lot to learn, but reading this has definitly been beneficial!

  3. I often suffer from writers block as well. King has some great ideas, I never knew how evil the passive voice and adverbs were!

  4. I like how he simplifies the process of writing and breaks it down for us amateurs. It’s defiantly a great read, and in my opinion, is a much more successful teaching tool than typical text books assigned in school.

  5. I loved the part where he talked about creating your own voice and how it helps to read other people's writing during the process. Anytime I read a great book, I find that everything I write soon after, whether it be on my blog or for a class paper, has hints of the authors voice in my own.

  6. I found the tips on overcoming writers block helpful as well. The honesty and sincerity King writes with make this book a fun and inspiring read.

  7. It's always hard for me to start writing. Once I have a decent introduction I'm usually good to go, but writing the introduction always seems to be the hardest part. I think King gives excellent advice to overcome writers block and will be something I will try in the future.

  8. I completely agree with you, the hardest part of writing a paper for me is the introduction and conclusion, this book was a big help!

  9. I really liked the section in the back of the book where he showed his rough draft and revisions. Just to have the chance to see what things he changes and why is worth the cost of the book!

  10. Since my major requires so much reading I have a hard time motivating myself to read for fun. I did, however, start to read several books this summer whenever I had free time. I've mentioned it before but I have become a big fan of James Patterson's work. Being able to read others' creative pieces has inspired me to improve my own writing. King's memoir on the craft is a great read and I plan on reading some of his other books over winter break.

  11. This was the one book this semester that I didn't buy and just checked out from the library - but it's actually the only book that I'd want to keep after the semester is over. Definitely worth the investment for any type of future writing endeavors!

  12. I agree Stephanie. I usually sell back the books I purchase each semester, but this is one of those rare ones I'm keeping. King's tips on writing, grammar, and revision are definitely worth the price of the book.
