Monday, November 29, 2010

TMI: Is The Internet Color Blind? by Colleen Fahey

I enjoyed reading Courtney Marshall’s article “Is the Internet Colorblind?” The main point of this article is clearly stated where Courtney Marshall quotes “As we dialogue about what “too much information” means, let’s ask the following ques­tions: Does having an abundance of information about race, gender, and sexuality change the decisions we make about their importance?” This article makes you consider how cyberspace affects people’s social behavior globally and locally through email, text, Facebook and Myspace. The internet has made clear path for people to create their own identities and not be judged by race, color or gender. People use the internet as their escape from reality. Unfortunately, now that the internet is free to everyone there has been issues where people’s social status can be changed dramatically due to the amount of information people put on the internet. This goes back to the question of TMI (too much information). Technology plays a big part in people’s identities whether they like it or not. People have to make the responsible decision on how they express themselves on the internet and what they put on the internet. Internet colorblindness has moved in another direction and there are no restrictions. This article expresses the concern with too much information and how it can harm people. We hear the stories of how there is now cyber bullying, or people can “blackmail” others from images or information found on the internet. What Courtney Marshall wants us to get out of this article is to be compassionate to others and not let any judgment pass of people from different races or gender due to how they are perceived on the internet. With too much information out there, how do we depict a person by character instead of race?

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